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yellow stools with blood


My golden retriever had mass cell tumor and was clear. he just had his teeth cleaned and a wart taken off his head. he has been having yellow mucusy bowel movements but today he had blood and he had droplets of blood when he finished. do you think his cancer is back?

From what you are telling me it may be a problem with intestinal worms. Sounds like hook worms to me. Your vet can tell for sure if you bring in a stool sample.

This can be treated at home with either a commercial wormer made for hookworms or you can try a more holistic method like organic fresh green black walnut tincture.

Because the dog is a cancer survivor it may be best to have the stool examined just to be sure. Please do know that not all infestations will be found every time. It could come up negative and your dog could still have the worms.

If you'd like more information on holistic cancer treatments please check into oleander soup. There are many treatments discussed on those forums, both for people and pets.

I don't know what you are feeding him but consider switching to a species appropriate diet of raw meat. There will be no need for teeth cleaning, the dog will be a bit healthier and not get worms as easy and it should also help in keeping the cancer away. You should probably stay away from further vaccinations too. They are not to be given to any dog with a compromised immune system.

Here are a few links to help you.