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I have a male Boston Terrier that is 10 years old.  He had cataracts taken out of his eyes back in 1997.  Since his lenses were removed and replaced, one of them has detached.  Is he to old for surgery to put that lense back in place?

Thanks, Karen

Hello Karen -

I would discuss a surgery with your vetrinarian or pet opthamologist. Ten years old can be a touchy age and I don't want to say yes or no without your consulting with your veterinarian. If this is seriously complicating his vision I would make an appointment as soon as possible.

A lot of pets can live with cataracts and detached lens and not be bothered. Given the age of your pet and the fact that he has had the surgery; he is use to being able to see well. He may show panic if not being able to see properly. Some geriatric dogs show panic when they begin to lose their eye sight at this stage that is not cataract or glaucoma enduced.

In the meantime, you may want to add a supplement of Vitamin A to his food daily. Vitamin A can be found in liver, fish liver oil, vegetables and dairy products. It helps to retain good eyesight and prevent against future eye disorders such as "night blindness". Vitamin A, once ingested, is stored in fat cells mainly within the liver. Here it remains until needed by the body. Administer 50 iu per pound of your pet. If he weighs 10 pounds, give him 500iu of Vitamin A. Do not administer more than 2200 iu daily, it can become toxic to the pet. If the weight per iu is over 2200, then simply administer the 2200iu per day.  

You may also want to supplement his food with an essential Omega-3 fatty acid such as Evening Primrose or Fish Liver Oil. These too will assist with good eye health and help keep his vision clear and bright. You can administer one capsule daily or you may apply the fish oil directly onto his food. Follow the directions on the bottle. If you have questions you can contact me.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you and send you a catalog of my home made herbal remedies.

Please keep me posted on your pet and please contact your veterinarian about a second surgery. They know your pet best and will be able to give you a solid answer. Without knowing your pet, I would not want to mis-diagnose or misinform you.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist