Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Valerian Root for Mini Schnauzer

Valerian Root for Mini Schnauzer


I have a mini schnauzer (16lbs) who gets anxious while riding in the car (trembling, panting, etc.). Can I give her valerian root to calm her down and at what dosage? Thank you very much for your help

VALERIAN ROOT should work well. If you are using a tincture or extract, I would dilute it apx. 3 parts water x 1 part tincture then give her about an eye dropper full.

There are also homeopathic remedies available for stress and anxiety through Homeo-Pet, Dr Good Pet, and others that would be effective as well, or HerbSmith's herbal calming blend based on Chinese Medicine.

Basic classical conditioning can often train out car anxiety as well.