Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Sudden change in 11 yr old shepherd - Try NuVET Plus .... worth a try...

Sudden change in 11 yr old shepherd - Try NuVET Plus .... worth a try...


Hi Marie, I have an 11 year old German shepherd who has always been healthy and had no hip problems. In the last couple of months he occasionally has problems with his back end when getting up. He is also losing control of his bowels and bladder. This dog has never had accidents in the house. His stool is the proper consistency but at times just plops out as he's walking. He's very upset by it when it happens even though I tell him it's not his fault and it's okay. In the last few days he also is lethargic at times and doesn't eat until hours after being fed but when it comes time for his next feeding he seems fine. He was at the vet and all blood work and tests came back perfectly normal although he has lost about 10 lbs. since his checkup a year ago. The vet said his problems are due to his age, size (he's not overweight but is a very large dog) and breed.Is there anything I can give him to help with his problems. Thanks for any help you can give me. Mickey


I take NuJOINT each da
Hi Mickey - His breed can be very prone to hip and joint troubles as they age.  Also, he may have some spinal damage related to his age. The possible damage to his spine is the cause of anal muscles giving way with stool.  His sphincter muscles are weakening because of possible pressures on the spinal nerves.

You can place him on some supplements to help.  Again, this is very common for his age and large breed.

Here is what I have had luck with:
This will also help him to get his appetite back and gain some weight...

Rather than harsh drugs and harsh side effects
*** I like to use NuVET
NuVET is very helpful for all his body systems besides his hips, joints it is great for his immune system and Digestive.
He will also need some NuJOINT plus for his spinal structure and possible ligament damage.  The NuJOINT does wonders on many of the doggies that try it.  Both products are safe, natural and give a 60 day money back guarantee..
I have listed the link here:
Make sure you write down my Name as your Referral:  Marie Peppers

Please let me know how he does after 1 month on the NuVET and NuJOINT

I like to keep in contact with all my clients.
Follow ups are a must...I want to see this work for your boy.

BEST wishes
Marie Peppers