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parietal hernia


I have a 8yr old Weimaraner named guy. Ever since he was a puppy he has had a super sensitive stomach. He also has a few benign masses on his body. About 1-1/2 yrs ago he developed a parietal hernia. The surgery is super expensive and I just cannot afford it! I have been trying to control his diet by only feeding eukanuba (for senior's) and sometimes ill add in white rice, or grilled chicken.

Anyway his hernia has not been problematic. It doesn't seem to bother him. We walk him many times a day so there is never any strain on his stomach. Also he has had 3 seizures in the past so the vet gave us phenobarbital which he takes daily and seems to be responding well to.

My dog's super sensitive stomach can cause diarrhea and/or vomiting if he even licks something up on the floor.

He has really bad diarrhea and is vomiting al ot today (way more than normal) I looked at what he was spitting up and i see that his pill came up. Also when he has stomache issues his hernia swells up and gets really hard.

I am a huge believer in herbal and holistic healing. Is there anything you can recommend that would either help with his hernia or at least help strengthen his stomach?

please e-mail me at

thank you!!!

I think that you should try a raw diet. Eukanuba has several ingredients in it that dog find hard to digest like several kinds of grains. Dogs are carnivores and don't get any nutrition from grains at all and carbs in general just aren't necessary. Put him on something species appropriate and I think his issues might go away or at least improve.

If I were you I'd find a classical homeopath to work with. Classical believes in looking at all of the dog's symptoms, personality traits, behaviors, etc and choosing 1 remedy that most closely matches the dog's total symptom picture. You give that remedy, wait and see how the dog reacts (ie, improves, new symptoms develop, or gets worse) and then the decision is made to either re-dose, dose at a different potency, or change the remedy completely.

The good part of homeopathy is that you don't have to physically be with the homeopath for it to work.