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Maybe alopecia, maybe not...


I ran out dogfood and gave my aussie doodle kibbles and bits. She stated biting herself and chewing the hair into little balls of fluff. Should I try benadryl? I switched her back to her other food and gave her a couple of baths in oatmeal shampoo, but not helping. Any suggestions, Pet Nurse?

Hello My LONG time Nurse Friend JOY!!!!  Bad MOMMA giving Kibbles n bits!  Give it some time to work out of her system.  Yes, Most Vets refer to Benadryl at 1-2 mg per pound of your dog's weight.  They recommend 1-2 mg of Benadryl every 6-8 hrs as needed.

For the Paws, you may want to place some BAG BALM salve onto the paw pads.

Also, many of my clients take NuVET supplement wafers: Made right there in your state!
NuVET ---- SEE my itchy dog site here:
NuVET is made in an FDA approved facility ( human grade), in the LA area

Let me know if I can be of more help...
Miss you... ALL the years have passed us by so Quick --- Jeffrey is now 18 !

Maria/ Marie