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ligament injury canine options; ACL alternatives ;


My 4-year-old American Bulldog was just diagnosed by the vet has having a cruciate ligament tear.  He recommended surgery as the only treatment.  I was reading a prior post from someone with the same problem, and you said that you would suggest supplements and oils, and I was interested in finding out what they were, as I would like to do conservative treatment rather than surgery right away.  Would you make some recommendations for me?


I hurt my ACL / Yum Y
Hi Ann-  Yes, don't rush into surgery - with some rest, ( leash walking- no FREE walking for 8 weeks) and proper supplements your kid may heal.  Even if he gets the Surgery there is not guarantee that he will NOT get arthritis in the future.

I have some supplements for your to order - if the vet has not given you anything for pain - you can take an 81 mg baby aspirin-  JUST until the NuVET and NuJOINT come in -  order today:

The "ACL" or Ligament  surgery is not always 100% guaranteed to work.  I have done some research on this for some of my clients..

As far as I can see, the ACL surgery option is fine if the person has the money and wants to take the chance.  Many times the surgery doesn't take effect and needs to be done a 2nd time.  
~~~~Also, the recovery period is a long one of 4-6 weeks with you doing some physical therapy.  What I mean by therapy is ROM , range of motion work on the limb that was operated on.  This ROM needs to be done 3 x per day.  Also, the dog's mobility is very limited and no jumping, stairs or runs are allowed.  This can be hard for a lab who likes to run and jump.  ( NOT one step or jump)

***If you don't have the surgery, your dog will repair itself.
Most likely your dog will get arthritis in that area that was effected.  Many dogs can get arthritis even with the surgery options.
Your dog will need to be on an anti-inflammatory drug or a baby asprin for the rest of his life.  

"Omega 3" from Nature's Sunshine: Great for healing!

This is wonderful and FRESH from the FDA grade manufacturer here in the USA.
She would need 2 per day - here is the link to order:
YOU can take some too!  Good for your muscles and bones....joints-
reduces swelling, too

( reduces swelling and helps with natural repair)

***  NuJOINT Plus - this is Wonderful - We have many clients taking this - only purchased thru Holistic Vets - you can use my referral and call the Manufacturer - they will get it right out to you.
Call 1-800-474-7044  ( give my name : Marie Peppers and code : 81098)
I will place a link to this product below: ** Need 2-3 per day -
****** REDUCES swelling and helps to re-build....

***  NuVET Plus - GREAT immune system booster and skin/coat healer/ All NuJOINT doggies take NuVET Plus also.  I have place a link below for your review on NuVET - Gives a 60 day Money Back guarantee on the two products.
NuVET will cost you about .60 Cents per day - he will need 2 wafers per day / **( after 1 month you can go down to just 1 per day)
NuVET helps to re-build and heal, too!
NuVET Link:

I am here for you -  Just let me know if you need more help...
Keep your dog's weight down - I can help with that too...
A dog with a lower weight will heal fast and get hurt again...

Marie Peppers LPN MA