Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > SHITZU BOWEL PROBLEMS



Hello Mrs. Peppers, My Shitzu was straining to have a bowel movement.  In doing so she now has something hanging fromher rectum that smells weird and seems to be stuck.  When I tried to pull some of it away she hollered.  We do not have a vet and there is no emergency service where I live.  Do you have any suggestions as to what may be the problem?  Thank you.

Hello Francenia,  I am sorry but it is too hard for me to tell.  There could be many things going on here.  One thought is that it is an abcess from the anal sac which will need the vet.
Dogs don't very often get hemorrhoids like people do.  That's why I think it is the anal sac.
PLEASE call around to Groomers, as they can help with this also.  The groomer can clean the area and let you know if there is infecton or not.

Good Luck

Marie Peppers LPNMA