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Young dog with Demodetic mange



My dog is about 23 months old, and he started presenting symptoms that looked like allergies at around 12 months, right after we rescued him. I don't know anything about his previous history, except that he was abandoned by his family in another state, and went from shelter to shelter until he reached us.

Some of the symptoms were clearly of environmental allergies (gunky eyes, ear infections with brownish discharge, etc), so his vet never thought about doing a skin scraping until it became clear that the several months of Temaril-P were not working at all. He developed two ugly hot spots, one in his back leg, the other on the side of this lower jaw. The skin scrapings were all positive for the mites.

I have two questions. First, is the 0.5ml of invermectin 1% a high enough dose to kill the mites (the dog is 34 pounds)? Second, is there anything I can safely give him to boost his immune system and lessen the impact of the Cephalexin in his digestive system? (The Cephalexin is for the secondary bacterial infection due to scratching.)

Thanks so much!

Hi - Glad you contacted me!  The ivnermectin at .5ml was the dosage given by your vet?
The dosage seems about right for your sized dog.

The Mites drug is very harsh on the body.  Yes, an Immune System Booster and a probiotic will help a bunch...

It was Great of you to adopt this dog.  Good for you.

Ok, here is what will help:
LET's go with a probiotic and a Immune System Supplement.

The Probiotic is Acidophalus ( buy at the local vitamin store ) -  Please give 1/2 of a
(1 billion CFUs) per day for 2 months.  VERY safe and help to counter act the side effects of long term antibioitic and mange medication usage.

Next - Yes - Let's get this kid onto the NuVET Plus program - Give 1 1/2 per day for the first 20 days and then go to just 1 per day , long term.  NuVET will help to strenghten the immune system and Blast it back into health.  PLUS NuVET is a Skin and Coat healer and reduces itching by reducing inflammation.
Call here / NOT in stores/ Holistic

1-800-474-7044  Tell them Pet Nurse Marie Peppers sent you from
here is the web site for ordering:
The NuVET folks give you a 60 day money back guarantee.......

Well, I sure hope this helps - I work with many dogs, just like your kid!
I have about a 95 % success rate..... HOPE we can work together to get your dog well again.
KEEP me posted at my private e-mail:

Marie Peppers LPN MA