Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > low blood suger / Chi hypoglycemia / NuVET and frequent feedings

low blood suger / Chi hypoglycemia / NuVET and frequent feedings


what kinds of foods are good to feed my teacup chihuahuas. he has hypoglycemia. is there some baby food that is good to feed chihuahua puppies.

Yes, Hello Carol, Yes, many chi dogs have low blood sugar tendencies.
Ok, keep some sweet potato baby food on hand... Also, some chicken baby food is good to have, too.

Offer your chi some Innova Dog food or Wellness Dog food in the am.
In the mid morning or afternoon, offer some of the baby food.
YOUR chi needs to eat 4 small meals per day to stay healthy.
AS time goes by, you may be able to feed just 3 meals per day.

Frequent feedings are a plus for such a small dog.
Many of my chi clients also take 1/2 of a NuVET wafer per day...
YOU can get a 60 count bottle for 39.00 / This will last you 4 months because you only need 1/2 per day.

Call 1-800-474-7044 and ask about the NuVET Plus wafers.
Tell them Marie sent you ...
MAKE sure you use order code 81098 ( ASK about the 15% OFF )

Wish you luck with your chi kid.
