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Constant itching/chewing/pulling of hair


We are in the process of figuring out if our newly rescued senior
Maltese has food allergies, inhalant, and ?
She seems to have not shown symptoms just 4 weeks ago when she
was in her foster home.  Therefore, if this is true, she in just 4 weeks
is miserable and so am I.  My question is, could the regiment of
antibiotics (2 weeks worth) and the antibiotics administered to her
during a surgery she had 2 weeks ago, cause an allergic reaction? She
is completely done with her antibiotics now but its only been a few
days.  I am grateful for any answers. Thank you very much.

Valerie, Sorry for the Delay as I will ill and unable to answer any questions.  Can you tell me what you are feeding this little one?
Did you make a change over on food?
Also, are there any other problems with this gal?  I see you mentioned a surgery.
Please provide me with a little more info...


Marie Peppers LPN MA