Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Chihuahua gasteroenteritis

Chihuahua gasteroenteritis


QUESTION: I have a 5 yr. old male chihuahua who is having acute vomitting along with violent coughing/belching.  These symptoms presented 2 nights in a row for 1-3 hours each time.  They are accompanied by constant licking motion (his tongue in and out of his mouth - but not actually licking anything).  We went to a veteranarian who said it was probably gasteroenteritis due to indescriminate eating and did an x-ray which only showed gas in the stomach.  His blood panels were also normal.  He prescribed Reglan and Cimetidine 3 times a day.  We were also instructed to with hold food for 24 hrs.  We followed the instructions and he had no episodes the first day of treatment.  The following night however he had another episode that lasted 3 hrs.  We went back to the vet that next day and he said to give it a few days longer and prescribed further medication:  Sucralfate, Laxatone, and Tramadol.  I am hoping you can help me because I am worried he is on too many medications and that the source of his problems has not been discovered.  Thank you so much for your time.

ANSWER: Wow, how awful.... Glad he is not dehydrated!  He is keeping fluids down most of the time?  Correct?
What kind of foods did this little Chi eat in the past?  Brand of food and brand of snacks...?
Table foods?

You sure do have him on a bunch of drugs..I can understand the reglan and the Sucralfate for short term... Tramadol is very strong and not sure why he is on this one....?

I can give you some Natural and Safe help for your baby boy...
Get back to me ASAP...OK

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for such a quick response.  I am very worried about him being on all these medications.  He's been eating Science Diet small bites for the past 2 years and I give him about 1 treat a day usually.  It is the same brand.  Also the vet prescribed the Reglan and Cimetidine last Thursday and he's been on those 3x/day since.  This morning he prescribed the Sucralfate, Tramadol(he didn't say why?), and the Laxatone(because he didn't use the bathroom yesterday or today at all).  We haven't given him the 3 from today yet because I was worried about giving him medicine that may actually do more harm than good.  I'm glad my fears aren't totally unfounded though since you agree that some of the meds seem unreasonable.  Also - he has been keeping water down although he doesn't ever drink very much water.  He has only vomited during 2 of the 3 episodes he has had.  
After our first visit to the vet when he prescribed the original meds and told us to with hold food for the first 24 hrs, we were also instructed to feed him 2-3 tbsp of soft food everyday - brand name is ID.  He has been on this soft food since last Friday afternoon.
Thank you so much for helping us.  We really appreciate the advice.

Ok, Yes, I would be glad to help you-  I don't like the Tramadol choice but I think they are using it to reduce cough... It is mostly for bad pain in dogs. Here is a little about this drug:
I see MORE side effects than Good....Do YOU?
I have made a few comments below:


Tramadol can be used for pain relief in both dogs and cats. (Most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not safe for feline use so tramadol provides a nice choice for cats with chronic pain issues).
Tramadol is given two to three times daily.

Side effects are considered rare but we list the following for completeness:
UPSET Stomach?????
Upset stomach is occasionally observed with tramadol.
Pupil constriction and panting may occur with this medication.
Tramadol has some ability to suppress coughing.  ( COUGHING will be reduced?)
Decreased heart rate may result but should not be problematic.
Constipation may be a side effect.  NO POOPING?????
Overdose may manifest as seizures, pinpoint pupils, and mental alterations. Seek veterinary assistance at once should any of these occur.
If a pet develops apparent sedation or bizarre

Here is my plan for your little Chi - I feel your kid has a very bad virus and may have a LOW IMMUNE System ...

As for food - I would use the "ID wet" canned food - every day and also add some INNOVA EVO dry food - just a small amount each day - add a little bit of water to the food - to soften it and add more water to his diet .... ( INNOVA EVO can be found at pet stores)

Also, add a teaspoon of canned pure pumpkin to his diet each day -you won't need the laxatone.  Canned Pure pumpkin is great fiber and good calories...I bet he will like the taste, too!!!

The Products I will refer you to are all guaranteed to help - or your money back.  Also, very quick shipping and the products are FRESH...and SAFE too!

This is good for the Gut - A MUST for this kid...ALSO, good for any humans in the family, too......
A Probiotic is a must - Flora Force - give 1-2 per day ----After a month he can go down to just 1 per day:

ANTI-Fungal, Anti-Biotic Effect -  Anti-toxic

Good for the entire family...Humans and pets....

SILVER SHIELD (18 PPM) (4 FL OZ)  -  Give 1 teaspoon 2 x per day for 1 month....then,  just 1 teaspoon per day

Great to get rid of Toxins in his Belly-
Help to detoxify this body and any odors / smell :  ( Optional ) - UP to you ....

CHLOROPHYLL, LIQUID (16 FL OZ) - Place in his food are water 1 x per day....Good Stuff!

Now, does your kid need the drugs from the vet?
Well, yes to the following : short term:

Reglan -( 1 week or less)- can cause problems with Liver....

TAGAMET (or Cimetidine): this one is fine for long term if needed...

Sucralfate - Pepcid AC - this is fine for very short term use....
too many side effects for long term , Unless he has an ulcer.

I hate to see him on Tramadol for too long - just too strong for his problem.  ( I am not a VET - my background is Human Nurse LPN MA and Pet Alternative meds expert....)

About Nature's Sunshine Products:

**** when you join as a member you get a free 1 year membership and low prices off of RETAIL.

Also, 2nd shipping if FREE.  ( Never pay retail again)
Not a bad deal.

Let me know if you have any questions.
I am Marie Peppers LPN MA
Keep me posted with photos every 30 days.... It will take time to heal this kid...

Nature's Sunshine Rep # 2350845-1
I am with the company because I believe in good quality products.

 I don't like to buy the junk in Walmart...

Thanks so much and I hope we can work together.