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Shar Pei Burn Like Rash ;


Hey there, just recently noticed my shar pei has a burn like rash near her genitals and right around her closest nipple to her private parts. Its is very dry and dark red, about two inches long by and inch wide and very distinct. also the whole tummy is a red color but not near as dark as the burn rash. She is a vegetarian dog on a strict diet of vegetarian dog food and takes a prednisone pill three times a week, She has been getting into my friends dog food a bit lately. is this enough to cause an allergic reaction or is this a whole different problem? any help would be great! thanks a lot. Alex

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Hi Alex, It almost sounds like a Contact Dermatitis.  You may want to see the Vet for this problem.  She may have come in contact with something touching her skin.  ( Contact)
It is hard for me to say if this is food related.
Call your Vet and see if they will allow you to give some Benadryl for this ? Allergic reaction.
Most Vets will allow Benadryl:
See my pet Blog for Walker Valley Vet's Recommended dosages:

HOPE this helps