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Alternative to Vetalog


My Beagle has been on Vetalog for several years now for a skin allergy. It works for about 4-6 weeks, but then she goes right back to itching and breaking out around the base of her tail (Cushing-like). She has gained too much weight (due to steroid use) and I am worried about liver disease. There has got to be something else that she can take that will offer relief yet not be so dangerous. We will send her for allergy testing on her next trip to the vet to hope that we can ID the cause of the infection. She is an inside dog and does not have fleas. We are lost...any ideas?

Hi - Yes, you are right about LONG term Steroid usage and side effects.
Vetalog has a small amount of steroid anti-inflammatiory properties in the ingredients.
I like to go Natural when at all possible.

I would refer you to a good Probiotic and some Herbs/supplements - All Very Safe and No side effects.  Ask your Vet about lowering the dosage and taking your Beagle off the drug slowly as to not shock her system.  

As for allergy testing,  they can do the test for about 400.00 to 500.00 and come up with 20 or more allergens.  Many may be Environmental such as pollen, dirt, many kinds of trees, and so on.
It can be very hard to control environmental allergies.
HOW do you get away from dust or grass?

  ~~~~~ Some great help that works ~~~~~~~

Here are some Tips:

Pure salmon oil - just 1-2 Teaspoons  per day
( great for skin and coat)
I get mine from here:  
Pure Alaska SalmonArtic Paws Salmon oil,

DAILY Allergy Blaster - HELPS to re-build the immune system and fight off allergens:
WAFER - TREAT - Supplement:  Nu Vet PLUS

A GREAT Skin Healer and Allergy Blaster - just 1  per day - All Natural:
see here:

and ~~~~~~


HELPS to get rid of X-tra Yeast Bacteria   ( Helps with ear infections)
You can give 1 per day for 90 days.
PEARLS work great!
This is not a drug/ Natural

The NuVET Plus and Salmon oil are Long Term.
Pearls is for 90 to 100 days.
You can use Benadryl 25 mg -  When you dog seems to be having a Flair Up.
Ask your Vet about Using Benadryl -  ONCE you are off the Vetalog.

NuVET and the other options can take up to : "30 days" to build-up in your pet's system:
You may need to use Benadryl in the Evening on Bad days.

Also, MOST of my clients this Holistic dog food:
check it out -- samples here

Keep Me posted:
I am here is you need me...

Marie Peppers LPN MA