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dog anxiety control with valerian root; canine valerian dosage;


Hello there!
I have a question about an herbal remedies and am interesting in getting some more information about valerian root. I have two dogs a four year old cocker spaniel who has always been a little high strung and also a 8 month old mixed puppy. I am having a serious problem with my 4 year old cocker spaniel she has become very anxious and scared. she exhibits this my barking loudly, nipping, and has become increasingly agitated with people and other dogs alike. she has never been this restless and agitated ever and I feel like a horrible pet owner like im not doing what I should. I was wandering if valerian root/herb? could help her? is it safe and effective? the puppy has also began to follow in her footstep barking loudly and so and this has become a problem. I want to help my best friend but I don't want to sedate her with drugs so she so sleepy and groggy she can't play and enjoy life with me. I just want to help her and make her as happy as she make me. any help would be appericated.PLEASE!

Hi Kari - Well, Yes the 4 yr old Cocker Spaniel can try Valerian time release-
very safe and may take the Edge off her anxiety...
YOU should see no side effects with this dosage:

** Valerian Root works great for car rides/ trips or just general anxiety issues.

Here is the dosage for a med sized dog:

Valerian -  ( give 1 per day in the evening)/ time release- see link:

OR, you can give 1 (1 hr prior to a car ride ) ....REDUCES STRESS


Valerian, Time-Release [Nervous]. This herb has been used as a sleep aid for over 1,000 years. Its ability to help relax the central nervous system, promote feelings of calm, decrease levels of anxiety and stress, and enhance restful sleep are known to millions the world over. Valerian is not known to cause morning grogginess

ALSO - Don't forget a good Natural Supplement:
Vitamins for dogs - NO junk fillers - all Quality
Holistic and safe:

ONE NuVET Vitamins Supplement per day - MOST of my clients / 1000s of them take NuVET Long Term.....

Keeps the VET AWAY-  Excellent for all the body systems !
Tell them Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse sent you...
use order code 81098 so that we can keep in touch ... Write down my name and code...Thanks!!

I sure hope the Valerian works - The Nature's Sunshine products are FRESH to your door and quality .... can't beat that!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse  

LET me know how the little cocker spaniel kid does on the Valerian???