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Congested Cat question?



I have a male cat who is 9 yrs old and suddenly became congested this morning. He is sneezing & breathing weirdly. I've had him since he was a kitten and a few years ago he had an upper respiratory infection.

I used polyotic tetracycline powder to help him when he got it before, but now, I fear he's caught it again. Can you recommend anything over the counter or an alternative usage for a congested cat? Do you think it is possible he has an upper respiratory infection again? Thanks so muchh.

Hello Miss Susan,
I am not a vet, so I am not able to give you a diagnosis, so you may want to consult a vet. There is an amazing holistic vet who does phone consultations that are very accurate and affordable. His name is Dr Gerald Wessner, and his phone number is 352-245-2025. He uses primarily homeopathy. I recommend him highly.

You may also want to try giving him Colloidal Silver. Check your local health food store for an ionized form that is at least 30 parts per million, or go to our web site: and get a bottle of our extremely high quality, 70 parts per million silver. I will send it out immediately using priority mail so it will not take long to get there. Give him one tablespoon twice a day for 7 - 10 days or less if symptoms subside sooner.

I would highly recommend getting him properly diagnosed.

Hope this helps.
Susan Griffin