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Colitis in dogs


My dog "Nitro" was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and has had half a dozen episodes of bloody diarrhea.
He is on Science Diet id and does very well on it.
He gets bored with the same thing over and over
and sometimes refuses to eat unless just a little something is added as an appetizer. It can even be a tiny piece of bread.
He is allergic to beef and beef products, but can sometimes tolerate a tiny piece of cooked chicken. I gave him a tiny piece of fried chicken, after I had washed it under running hot water, but he developed foul smelling diarrhea.
Is there a herb/s that can help him that is not toxic to dogs?

Marcie, I would love to help you and Nitro!  yes - offer this recipe a few times a week to Break up the Science Diet ....
Also, a wonderful herb/holistic supplement, too:

Try this recipe and give 1 NuVET wafer per day - NuVET will help to coat the intestine and protect from ulceratons and bloat.
NuVET will help to control the Allergens that are hitting this kid.

Veggie Dinner

1/2 cup cooked rice ( white)
1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese or low fat -
1/2 cup steamed vegetables, cubed  ( No onions....)  ( green beans are fine ) and :
Cooked - sweet potato and broccoli are great choices - just a small amount....
Mix rice and cottage cheese in a medium sized dog dish. Add veggies.
Also - give 1 NuVET supplement per day:  ( HOLISTIC and very safe for dogs like yours)
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie peppers sent you over:
write down my name and my private e-mail:
Marie Peppers
( we can keep in touch and I can provide you with other bland recipes for your baby)

BEST wishes