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Kidney health


My dog is on Itraconazole to treat blastomycosis. What can I add to her diet to protect her kidneys from the side-affects of the drug?

Itraconazole is the newest drug used to treat blastomycosis.  The side effects are related to liver and kidney toxicity, with the addition of ulcerative skin lesions and swelling of the legs at the higher dose. It is also a very expensive drug.
There are several natural products to add to her diet:
Colloidal Silver - this is available in health food stores.  It is a very powerful antiviral, antibiotic and antifungal.  Give her approx 2-5mls, twice per day - add to water or meals.  Continue this for about 4 weeks, then give her a break from the colloidal silver for a couple of weeks.
Also adding Rosehip tea to her daily water and food will help boost her immune system and help to keep her kidneys and adrenals healthy.  St. Mary's Thistle herb is also great for cleansing the liver.  Adding flax seed oil to her meals will help keep skin, coat and eyes in good condition.  There are also many liver cleansing and immune boosting products available for natural pet health.  Please let me know if you would like any further info on this.  Adding a probiotic will help to keep her digestive system in good working order - either buy some acidophilus tablets, or give her a couple of tablespoons of yogurt every day.
I hope this has been useful.  
With kind regards