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constipated toy poodle


I need to know what can I do for my  6 year old toy poodle?He has been constipated for a long time.He belonged to someone else and when we got him he was on a hard dog food meant for grown adult dogs.I took him to the vet cause he was eating grass a lot and the vet gave him a enema which seemed to clean him out.he got constipated again 3 days later.He told us to keep giving him enemas,but can't this hurt a dog by  giving then enema's all the time.Why can't he go normally? what can we do for him? he has upset stomach's a lot.We changed his dog food and he goes a little softer but still has a hard time going-when he does go he goes in 2 days.Could there be something wrong with him?


Sorry for the length of time to answer. My computer was out of commission. I would add a quality enzyme and probiotic formula to your dog's diet. Also try adding about a teaspoon  to a tablespoon of pumpkin to his meals every time. Use straight pumpkin, not the spiced pie filling variety. These should help. I would suggest reading my book which you can get a free PDF copy of by going to my site: and submitting the pop-up form. It has a lot of very important and valuable information on nutrition.

Hope this helps.
Sue Griffin