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My cat has what the veterinarian thinks is a tumor in her mammary chain that would cost around $2,000.00 to remove and she couldn't say if it would cure my cat or if it would grow back.. It started about a year ago and was a small lump but has now grown to about 3 inches all around. (I took her to the vet about 8 months ago). We just don't have the money to spend on the surgery then or now and I was told by a friend who uses natural remedies that putting black salve on the tumor may draw it out. I purchased Ichthammol Ointment 20% and applied it tonight for the first time. Can you give me any advice? Thank you.

Hi Jerry, So sorry about this situation.  In hard times like this I sure do understand not having $2000.00 for your cat's operation.

Nature's Sunshine Black Ointment is great stuff - I use it myself on boils and pimples.... Great to heal infections, too.
As far as Cancer, I have no idea if it could help your cat.  I am sure it will not hurt her.

I don't have much to offer you except good food and a few supplements that MAY help to build her immune system.
Again, I have no idea if any supplements will help stop the Cancer or Tumor.

Wish I had more for you.
Let me know if you want to try her on a few good supplements.

BEST of luck to you two.

Marie Peppers LPN MA