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after having pups


My dog has just had puppies 5 days ago. But right above her vagina, but below her tits, she has a hard spot,it sticks out a little, and I was thinking she did not get the after birth all out. She did have a shot of oxatocin, 1/4 cc. Do you think this is a possibility? What should i do?

Hello Phyllis -


She may possibly have a rupture from pushing and delivering or she may have an inflammed lymph node. In rare cases, Oxytocin can cause ruptures in or around the vaginal walls. I am thinking after 5 (five) days, if she is still holding afterbirth, she would be in severe pain and would have shown signs of being toxic.

If the hard spot does not bother her or cause her pain it may simply be swelling from the delivery. If there is no discharge or additional swelling around the hard spot, wait for about 2 days and if no change take her the vet and have him take a look. They may be able to do an aspiration of the lump and run a few tests to be sure she is not in harm. Depending on the rupture, at times, they will heal themselves.

Also, be sure she is nursing and all nipples are producing milk. She could have an inflammed lymph node. If a lymph node is inflammed it will not allow milk to pass through and will cause an enlargement. If this is the case, call your vet.

Try applying an ice compress to the area and see if the swelling goes down. Without really seeing her I cannot really tell what it could be.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

Best wishes to you, your pet and new puppies. Keep me posted and feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist