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Sore Paw Problem



Zack paw 018.jpg
Our otherwise totally healthy, happy 2-yr old 7.3 kg ShiPoo has developed a "spot" beside the outer pad on his left paw. Our vet prescribed Cephalexin 250 mg antibiotics 2x daily w/food and panalog ointment 15 mis to be applied 2-3x daily following foot bath in Epsom Salt water. We've been following this regime for 5 days now and the "spot" appears to be more inflamed, larger in size and our dog can barely walk on that paw now. Pics attached. Any suggestions?

Follow up on Paw - Please let me know if you try the Silver for healing?

Hi - Well, that looks painful!  POOR little doggie kid.
Let your vet know that you are not getting any results.  
How about giving this kid some Silver Shield - 1 teaspoon 2 x per day, mixed into some wet dog food :
Nature's Sunshine sells this products.  Call around to your local Vitamin or health food stores.
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