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runny nose and low immune system;


i have a puppy that is an outside dog, our weather has been warm in the day and cool (60-69) at night and wet, the pup has a house so she isn't getting wet but the air is very moist, she now has a snotty nose and a little cough, not bad, she is still eating well and don't act like she feels bad, what should I give her?

Canine with poor immune system ; Ester C dosage for Canine ;
Give me an update on your baby... Did you try any of my suggestions?
Marie Peppers LPN MA of Ask the Pet Nurse

Hi Paula, If this doesn't help please see the vet for some antibiotics...OK....

1.  Give some vitamin C ( 250 to 500 mg per day) for about 2 weeks.
VERY safe - The ESTER C is easy on the belly - so look for Ester C in the Human vitamin section of the store.

2.  I would also give her some NuVET vitamins / Great to fight off any possible infection.
NuVET helps to re-build her immune system .
It just won The BEST vitamin supplement of the year!
Call and ask them to send you a small bottle ( 1 month is 20.00)

HOPE this helps..

Marie Peppers