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running nose & sinus allergies on dogs


Dog has running nose at nite, sinuses sound wet when he sleeps, snores loud for only 8lbs terrier & he kinda gags like drainage running down his throat quit frequently. Can we give him something to help him?

If it is only happening at night, I would look at the environment and ask yourself things like, how does he lie when he sleeps? How is it different from when he sleeps in the day? Where does he sleep and is it different form where he chooses to sleep or just lie around during the day? If so, what do I use in that environment (detergent, air fresheners, incense, perfumes,etc.) that he could be sensitive to? Do I sleep with the windows open and what could be more prevalent in the night air? Is there a heating or air conditioning unit on more at night and does it need to be cleaned? Keep looking and thinking along those lines and see if you can make any environmental changes that would make a difference. Remember too that a dog's nose is much more sensitive than ours so you may have to be really observant to very slight differences.

As far as things to give to him, I would go to Homeopathy for your product solution. Go either on line or to a local health food store or wellness center that offers homeopathy and find a remedy directed toward sinus drainage and/or air-borne allergies either for pets or people because either should work.
