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My shih tzu tremmors; shih tzu not eating;


My shih tzu hasnt been eating and this morning she started shaking. She doesnt want to get up or go for a walk of anything. We literally habe to carry her to the door just to get her to go outside. Shes peeing fine but she hasnt pooped today so i dont kmow if its normal. She doesnt even want her favorite treat.
We just moved a lot if boxes into our living room and the house hasnt been normal for the past couple days due to cleaners and pest guys. Also, the apartment complex we live in doesnt spray pesticides in their lawn so we've been fighting with fleas all over out dog and fleas and worms from our cats. Could any of this be effecting our dog? What should we do to help her?  

Hi Moriah, Oh, I am sorry your shih tzu is not feeling well today.
Yes, it could be anxiety and stress related.
You may need to see the vet if she doesn't perk up ....

Make sure your shih tzu is drinking and alert....If not, call the vet now.
Otherwise, watch and see what happens today.

Sorry, it is hard for me to say what could be going on...

good luck and feel better soon!

Marie Peppers LPN MA