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Skin Problem - canine


Hello there I recently bought a jack russel terrier. He will be a year old may 3rd. He is 99% housebroken. A few days ago he started getting these ;lesions/boils ? all over some are small, and some are as large as a old silver dollar now. they are hard, the hair is falling out at the sites, and they are now starting to bleed. We do not have a lot of money so any advise would be helpful. Also we have an 8 month old son. Could this be transferrable to us? Maybe a parasite? what care should we give?


Hi Jason -

You must take your pet to the vet, especially since these lesions are bleeding.

It sounds as though these are boils, which are very common in dogs. He may have scratched the boils open to relieve pain, however, this will only worsen the infection.

I understand your financial situation but it is very important that your pet me treated now before the condition gets worse. From what you are saying it doesn't sound like this is a dangerous parasite that can spread to humans.

For the time being, until you can make an appointment with the vet, I would apply warm compresses to the swollen areas. Leave the warm compress on for 5 minutes and then remove. Do this up to 6 times per day. It is not good to "pop" or lance a boil because it will drive the infection deeper into the skin tissue. Afterwards, try applying a dab of Tea Tree Oil. This is an antibacterial and will help kill bacteria and infection present.

I am sorry I cannot help you more but once it has reached this stage your vet should be involved to help with the healing process and to perform a biopsy to diagnose the condition.

Please feel free to contact me in the future, I will be happy to help you heal your pet naturally once a solid diagnosis has been reached. Please keep me posted on your pet;s progress.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs-Kreft, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist