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dog liver/pancreas issues


12 yr old lab mix had parvo as pup. since then digestive problems & reoccurring pancreaitis. 3 months ago she started vomiting  every other day. took her to vet. He treated her with homeopathy & chinese herbs for the pancreas & vomiting.2 weeks later took her back.he did blood work-liver levels high.everything else  ok(sugar and blood counts).said liver disease possible cancer. suggested milk thistle & take her for sonogram &  biopsy.  I did research & started her on the herbs (liver health blend including milk thistle) & diet of canned Nutro foods - sensitive stomachs- very small servings 3-4x's a day with a powdered greens mix, lecithin,C, Pancreatic glandulars & more herbs with Prozyme digestive powder. improved and keeping more down.I give her homeopathic blend by Heel to detox & Ipec.Is there more I can do-throws up much less-went 1 week but has spells of vomiting still.eats it & it stays good.Seems pancreas more than liver?How long should I expect? What do you think?

Hi Ranae
Thanks for your email.  Wow - what a fabulous vet you have.  If you don't mind forwarding me his details that would be terrific as I am often asked about vets who treat naturally, but they are so hard to find.

I know you want to treat your dog with all the marvelous herbs and homeopathics available, and that's great. But, I would also look at cutting back to the bare essentials for a while at least.  Her body is working overtime just to stay balanced, let alone having to process large numbers of highly potent herbs as well.  I know they are natural, but they are very powerful and I feel she is just simply on too many things.  You will get better results by cutting back and simplifying the whole thing.

You should of course discuss with your vet as there may be something extremely vital that she still needs to be taking.  But otherwise I would keep her on the powdered greens, add a probiotic, and also some Living Clay (calcium bentonite clay powder) -

The clay is extremely soothing for the digestive system, and generally sweeps all toxins out of the body and brings balance back to the organs.  Purchase the powdered detox clay and sprinkle one teaspoon onto her meals daily.  
To read more about Living Clay and its benefits:

It works the same for animals as it does for humans, and is just as beneficial and health giving.
The Clay should help to soothe the digestive system and relieve most of the nausea.

With her food I would look at slowly replacing the tinned food with something natural like the BARF diets (  Again, this will give her food that is in a more natural state and easier for her to digest.

I hope this helps, but do remember to double check with your marvelous vet.
With thanks,