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medical question


Hi. I was wondering if you might be able to tell me what might be wrong with my 30 month old border collie. He has been a slow and fussy eater since a pup and from time to time brings back up his food or most often just a clear fluid. He doesn't seem to be suffering just a little lethargic, not quite as bubbly as he should be.I mentioned it to my vet and he seems to think i could spend a lot of money trying to find out what the problem is and might not get a result. Could you maybe have some idea what it might be.
Regards Gary.

Hi Gary
This is hard to answer as I am not a vet and am not able to diagnose.  If this is your vet's attitude then you need to find another vet that supports you.  This is simply not good enough.  He could have a virus, or he could have some serious problem with his digestion or stomach.  A 30 month old dog should have boundless energy and a good appetite.  Perhaps he has trouble with his teeth or gums?  Perhaps it is an ulcer or some other pain that is upsetting him.  Has he been de-wormed, as a worm infestation can also cause similar symptoms.  There are fabulous Homeopathic all-wormers available on-line, if you want to go the natural root with his worming.  You can even get a naturopathic to make some up for you.
Sorry I can't be of more help Gary.
If you do resolve the problem, then do get back in touch with me and we can look at some natural remedies that may assist.
Cheers for now,