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Auto Immune Disease ; Supplements and diet;


My german shepherd named Rev, was recently diagnosed with a auto immune disease. They believe he also had a severe bacterial infection.  He was put on antibiotics 3x daily for 2 weeks.  He was also given a biopsy but that turned out to be inconclusive due to the severely inflamed tissue.  He is now 2 weeks on prednisone 20 mg 2xdaily.  He is showing improvement but would like to treat without steroids.  His symptoms were extreme starting with discoloration of the nose and mouth followed by extreme dripping on eyes and nose like allergies.  He ended up with severely infected ears, ulcerations covering entirely the roof of his mouth and tongue. His sheath on his penis was swollen sticking out.  He appears to have sores in different parts of his body and itches a lot. This happened in an extremely short amount of time. Again, with the meds his symptoms have improved around 60 to 70%...the vet said it was a miracle that we was able to eat or drink anything.  I have recently switched his food to a non grain to help. I am giving him some supplements in the hopes that will help also.  Thank you for any help or information you can give.

Nina Spigner

Glad to help... Sorry I missed you phone call:  Please write to me here with your follow up questons, my Private e-mail is
Let me know if you want to home cook for your dog... I have some recipes that may help.
Marie Peppers , Ask the Pet Nurse

Auto Immune Disease in German Shepherd;  
Wow Nina!  I would not make any changes very quickly on your boy.  I am not fond of Steroids but in your dog's case it's needed.  POOR dog and poor you, too!

As time goes by your Vet may be able to lower the Steroid dosage slowly.
I would love to see you place your boy onto the NuVET Plus Supplement - it's an Immune system booster and allergy BLASTER:
SEE here:
NOT sold in Stores/ HOLISTIC/  All Natural

Call in for the smaller sized bottle of 60 count Wafers at 39.00  or get the larger size bottle on the web site at 55.00
MOST of my clients go on AUTO ship and get 15% off of every bottle.
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you:   1-800-474-7044  ( Use REFERRAL Discount Code 81098)

Give your Boy 2 wafers per day long term for that x-tra Immune Support.
MOST dogs only need 1 NuVET wafer treat per day.

NuVET to boost the Immune system .....

Marie Peppers
ASK the Pet Nurse
Dog Vitamins and Supplements