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IBS English BullDog scope and testing ;


My daughter has a male English Bulldog.  He is 7 years old.  He has not eaten or drank anything for 10 days without vomiting.  He has been hospitalized and on intravenous feeding.  They have ran several tests and everything is fine.  They have done a radio gram and they feel that he has IBS, but do not know the cause.  If he does not eat this weekend, they are going to do a scope to see if he has cancer.  They say his intestines are backing up into his stomach.  The remarkable part is he has not lost strength.  He has lost about 8% of his weight.  We are concerned about the scope and what that might do to his strength and if it will be beneficial.
Do you know of any medicine that might help him through this period of time until he gets over the attack.  He was recently changed to a low fat dog food recommended by the vet.
Thanks for any info you might give us.

_________   ****    follow up on bulldog IBS _______________
Hi Guys:  Did you have the scope yet?
I was just wondering how your boy is doing?
I would sure like to help!
Get back to me if you have any news...
Marie Peppers LPN MA
or my site:

Oh Virginia!  Poor Bulldog - this sounds awful for you all!!!
I guess they will scope him and take a sample of his belly tissue.
Seems that you don't have too many choices with this situation.

I would love to help with feeding and supplements after he has had the scope.
Let's hope he is allergic to grains and will just need a special diet and supplements...
I will keep my fingers crossed!

Yes, I have many suggestions but I sure do think he needs the scope.

Let me know what happens.
Here is my private e-mail

Good Luck and I will pray for this bullie boy!

Marie Peppers LPN MA