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picky eater/black stool ; chi poodle mix dog food ; dog meatball recipes ; dog food recipes;


silky/poodle/Chihuahua mix, two years old. we've had her since she was 5 weeks old. she will eat food the first time, then won't eat the same food the next feeding. the only snack she will eat more than once, is the chicken fillets jerky tenders from Waggin'Train, llc.
her stool is black most of the time. she likes table food, sometimes, mostly chicken, beef. she used to eat carrots, green beans, but not any longer. we have purchased science diet, taste of the wild, chicken soup for the puppy lover's soul. she will not eat these on a regular basis.

Hi Venita, Well, how about making some cooked chicken and beef for your gal and give her a vitamin / to balance her.

Also, here are a few home-made recipes you can make:
Easy and you can freeze them:

Dog Meatballs - can be used for both dogs as a snack or as a meal - YOU can use this as the Am meal or the PM meal..


Dog Dog Food Recipe by Michele, provided to her by her vet.

Ground chicken
Ground beef
4% small curd cottage cheese
2 cups quaker oats soaked in low sodium chicken broth
string beans (** you don't have to do them)****
2 tablespoons salmon or fish oil (health food store or break open capsules from grocery store)
2 eggs
2 boiled yams or sweet potatoes -this is great protein and helps keep everything moist.

Mix together and make into meatballs the size of your dogs portion. Bake them at 350 until they are completely done.

Freeze into bags and warm up in microwave until warm and serve. They should love it and it is all digested so there is very little waste and smell.

Add 1/2 teaspoon NuVET Plus vitamin powder/  ( powder or Wafers ) just 1 x per day... for your Small Chi.... poodle mix.

see here:
Tell them pet nurse Marie sent you....
( referral code 81098)
Tell them Pet nurse Marie sent you over....NOT sold in stores.
~~they do have a small bottle of 30 count - for only 20.00
~~~( you must CALL in for the small bottles )


JUST be creative - Keep up the good work!

YOU may want to buy a doggie cook book... have a wonderful selection of cook books.
I love dog cook books ===== so much fun.

Keep me posted..
Marie peppers LPN MA