Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Dog recovering from a sprain.

Dog recovering from a sprain.


Hi Susan,

I was hoping to get your reccomendation about supplements
for helping a dog recovery from a ccl sprain.  We have decided to try a natural approach to healing and any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Jason(Concerned pet owner) & Buster(American Staffordshire Terrier)

I adore AmStaffs!  I hope yours does well.

First, be sure to have him checked by a vet to be sure nothing's broken.

I would suggest TTouch (Templeton Touch - a light circular movement that moves just the skin) in the area of the sprain.  If the vet says it's OK, you could do also deeper massage and stretching exercises.  Swimming can also be good, depending on the area affected.

If you are feeding him a good quality kibble, he probably does not need any special supplement.

Buster will probably be fine quickly - give him a big hug for me.
