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homemade cat food


Hi Silva,
Our cat has been in renal failure for three years.  He's in good spirits and the vet cannot believe we have kept him going this long!  Anyway, he's in no pain.  He is refusing his cat food, wet and dry.  He's not much of an eater since he got sick, anyway.  We do give him vitaming supplements and such.  Is there a way for us to make him something homemade that would be appropriate?  I thank you in advance.  

Hi Amanda,
I am sorry to hear about your cat not being well.  Many people now believe that much of the cause of kidney failure in cats is due to the dry food that is marketed for them.  So try to avoid any more dry cat food, and give him fresh foods, sardines,salmon, natural yogurt etc..

If you are able to get to a herbalist you could ask that they make up a mix of: Alfalfa, Buchu, Dandelion, Echinacea, Garlic, Rosehips, Uva Ursi and Yarrow as well as the Bach Flowers Wild Rose and Rescue Remedy.

This mix will enhance kidney health and in turn allow your cat's adrenal glands to return to full potential as well as breaking the cycle of worsening health and form.

You can also make up cups of rosehip tea, cover, let it cool, keep in fridge, and add 2 tablespoons per day to your cat's meals.  Rosehips work really well to keep the kidneys and adrenal glands in a healthy state.

Cooked brown rice, cooked free-range chicken (no bones or skin) and egg yolks are also good food to eat when looking to improve the kidneys.

Adding 1/8 of a teaspoon of freeze-dried nettles and borage to daily meals can help an animal who is very dry and thirsty.  

Remember hebs are very effective, and therefore also dangerous if mis-used, so always use with caution - more is not better!

You may also like to find someone who does animal acupuncture, as this may provide some healing and relief for you little man as well.  Sourcing out a vet that works with natural therapies would be beneficial, or consulting with a Western or Chinese Herbalist.

Please get back in touch if I can answer any more questions for you.
Kind regards,