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Aggressive Bulldog


I purchsed a purebred 2 yr old male bulldog, we'll call him Diesel from a breeder.  The bulldog had been neutered 1 week before purchase.  He displays toy aggression and anxiety tendancies to new situations.  I was bit by the bulldog the first day of ownership and had doggy daycare owner bit 3 weeks later.  The male dog LOVED the daycare and came to love me.  My question is, the dog was hand raised by the breeder as his mother died in delivery of 2 male pups, Diesel and brother.  The brother, raised by the breeder on formula suffers bone malnutrition. Perhaps Diesel's aggression stems from development issues.   Can this dog be rehabilitated by obiedience?  Or will it require medication of Prozac or Ritalin?
Concerned owner

Hi Karen: You may not need doggie Valium.... How about you get a good trainer/ behavior person to come to Your home....ON HIS turf.
I bet he can be worked with.... Give it some time and a good professional...
BEST wishes,

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Also, you may want a vet to Rule-out any pain or discomfort in hips or legs...OK