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About hair loss on Pommeranian


I have a 4.5-year-old spayed pommeranian boy, wieghing 2.5kg and slightly overweight, who started to have bold spot on his butt and thinning tail when he was about 2 after a hair cut (I didn't know I shouldn't have him shaved so short then).  His hair grew back  the next summer, but then last year, the area of his bold spot enlarge and he has a rat tail.

He had a blood test 3 months ago and vet placed him on thyroxine.  However, the rate of his hair loss did not slow down at all.  The hair on the back of his thigh and on the trunk continued to fall off rapidly.  He is now almost bold.

After his 2nd blood test last week, Vet suggested that he might not have hypothyroid problem, and told me to stop giving him thyroxine, and suggested the use of melatonin which is a new concept for them.

I am in Taiwan, and the vets here do not seem to have a complete knowledge and expereriences in dealing with this condition.  I really feel sorry for not taking good care of my pom, and very concerned of his health a lot more than just his appearance.

I would like to know if there are ways to help my pom diet or supplement-wise in additon to medication, or an alternative treatment.

Here are his blood test results.

1st blood test (3 mon ago)
Cholesterol 99 mg/dL
Potassium 5.58 mEq/L
Sodium 145.7 mEq/L
Na+/K+ 26.11
Cortisol 6.8 ug/dL
cTSH 0.07 uIU/mL
T4 0.47 ug/dL

2nd blood test (last week)
Cholesterol 113 mg/dL
CK 31.2 U/L
Total Protein 7.1 g/dL
cTSH 0.04 uIU/mL
Free T4 2.71 ng/dL
T4 2.97 ug/dL

By the way, my pom do not have the syptoms of cushing's disease, only slightly overweigh, with pretty good apetite. He does sleep a lot though.  He has dry and loose skin with slight pigmentation, where he can scratches or licks. (butt and neck area)  He also feels cold easily.  He needs to sleep inside blankets since last winter.  Excercise-wise, he runs around the house during weekdays, and there is regular outdoor activity (walking or hiking) every Saturday.

Hi Jenny
My suggestions are that you contact a local Naturopath or Chinese Herbalist.  Give them the above results and see what they suggest.  I am not very knowledgeable on blood results, so feel that you would get a much better answer from them.  Although they may not work with dogs, they will certainly give you an indication as to where the problem lies.  Once there is some type of actual diagnosis I can then recommend some herbs, formulas, foods that will assist.

He certainly appears a little dehydrated, sluggish metabolism, out of balance energy.  So, do get in touch with a Naturopath or Chinese herbalist and take it from there.  The Naturopath especially will be trained in the blood test analysis.

I hope this has helped you some.
With thanks,