Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Small breed dog with dry cough

Small breed dog with dry cough


My 5 year old Pomeranian has a dry persistent cough. I have been giving her aminophlline twice daily along with medrol every other day as directed by her vet. She is not improving. What else can I do?

Referrals to Nature's sunshine respiratory products and NuVet Plus supplements. ALJ liquid by Nature's Sunshine

Hello Janet, sorry for the delay with your question.... I was under the weather for a few days.

Ok, I understand your cat is not doing well with the Allopathic vet's aminophiline and medrol medications......

Yes, I would love to help you -
*** low cost and works about 90% of the time.
All that I refer to has a 30 day or 60 day money back guarantee.
The Vet office gives you no money back guarantees on any of the meds they have you purchase.

First- AJL liquid:
This is a Nature's Sunshine product for coughs and allergies / place in the dog food or Dogs's water dish 2 x per day - 10 drops per dog 2 x per day - for 40 days.  After that, go to the same dosages every other day usage.

VERY safe/ 30 day money back guarantee...LOW cost, too

Next - the NuVET Plus works great : Helps if your dog has allergies...

** the NuVET Plus Wafers  will help this cat kid to Build up the Immune system.

Also, it is great for bladder and skin, coat, and joint health.
Only .60 cents per day.....

You can start out with a 1/2 dosage and work up to a full dosage per day / ( 1/2 dosage is only .30 cent per day - some dog parents stay on the 1/2 dosage and do very well)  

Again, this is guaranteed for 60 days:

Within 60 days or LESS this kid will be much better!!!  I HOPE

Call 1-800-474-7044  - Use discount code /
GET up to 45 % off what the VET office would charge for this product.
Give order code 81098 and
My name /  Marie Peppers as your Pet Professional.

Marie is from All Experts and The Doggie Chalet Hotel
here is my site:  ( MY HOTEL for Dogs)

You want some NuVET Plus
** a 60 count bottle will cost 39.00 and could last you 4 months if you decide to just do 1/2 dosages per day. ( or 2 months if you go 1 full wafer per day )

~~~~ ask  about the 15% off Discount on this product ~~~~

NuVET secured site:
NuVET Plus -
they sell it in a 30, 60 and  a 90 count bottle.
Use order code 81098

I can also offer more supplement advice if you would like...
I would start out with the NuVET and the ALJ liquid.

Keep me posted and send a photo..
Marie Peppers LPN MA
ask the pet nurse