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soothing my kitten


My cat is having her first heat. EEEk! I am planning on having her spayed as soon as possible, but as usual there are difficulties with finances and scheduling.  My question is however, is there anything I can do by means of herbs or tinctures to soothe her until I get her appointment made?  She is not going too crazy yet but I just feel bad leaving her alone all day in her miserable state. :) If not I can just deal with the guilt, but if so I would greatly appreciate the advice. Thank you, Sincerely Cat,and "Harley" the cat.

Hello Cat and Harley,
Firstly, keep her indoors so she does not get pregnant and keep her away from intact males.
To get her out of hear before the spay surgery I would have someone who is professionally trained in kitty anatomy such as an RVT or vet come over and get her out of heat.
What they would do is lubricate a qtip with a water bases lubricant and gently insert to her cervix. This mimics and sort of "tricks" the kitty's body into behaving as if she has been mated and will stop the estrus behavior.
You can also just wait it out!
Good luck