Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > brown specks/pee pee area

brown specks/pee pee area


QUESTION: I notice these brown specs around the pee pee area (only in that area) it comes off after shampoo but back 2-3 days later Do anyone have any insight on what this might be

ANSWER: Hi - Well, it may be some excessive yeast bacteria.
You can try some Activia yogurt - give 1/2 cup per day for 2 weeks....
Less if your dog is under 10 lbs.

HOPE this helps..

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what causes excessive yeast bacteria

ANSWER: Hi - The excessive yeast bacteria can be related to the dog food you are feeding.
Also, it can be related to food or environmental allergies.

If you want a good vitamin that helps with allergies - see here:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Marie it seems that the actvia is working I will continue for the time frame you suggested she is 12.5 lbs/ 2 1/2 yrs old and is currently taking nuvet for 4 months  one wafer per day/ 1 tsp salmon oil daily. She also eat Natural Balance 75 kibble 25 wet natural balance. Any other suggestions maybe I should make a food change

NuVET for allergy - itchy dog; Activia for the yeast bacteria ....
Gloria, Keep me posted on your results with the Probiotic - Activia yogurt and the NuVET wafers...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Oh, great that your baby is taking the NuVET....
I wonder if you may want to do a food change over.  You can try Innova EVO: Wellness Core; Merrick Before Grain, or another grain-free food:
There are many good ones on the market.
Natural Balance is a good food but there are many better choices on the market.

Let me know what you find.

Marie Peppers

For our readers:  NuVET Plus -

see here:
NuVET Page