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cat in extended heat......weeks


is there anything that is natural that I can give my 13 yr old cat to ease her heat? She has never been this bad before....over the last year she is constantly in heat also it seems that peoples scent is activating especially.....when it is just me and cat and no one comes here the heat stops....I cannot afford vet to fix her...all the years I have had her she hardly ever went into heat......maybe once in every 2 years....and they were very short spells.......awaiting reply

Hi Marsha,
Contact your local humane society or ASPCA, they offer the community free or low cost spay surgeries.
Mammary gland cancer risk is high with unspayed females.  When the weather is warmer you can expect estrus cycles to appear.
I would not take the chance of her getting pregnant as with so many animals 4-5 million cats and dogs are put to sleep annually in this country in city shelters because there is no space and too many being born it is work contacting your vet and asking for leads of names of organizations that can help get her spayed.
There is a method to get her out of heat that is not surgery but only a vet or tech should do this.