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Teddy-Bear Hamster and wet-tail.


Hi. About a week ago, I adopted a young (but not baby) Teddy Bear hamster..(Serenghetti). For the first three nights she ate, drank, played, and even came into my hands. But for the past two days, all she has done is eat, drink, and sleep. I woke her up to get a better look at her and saw that her bottom was (and still is) very wet and her left eye was (and still is) closed shut. I think she may have wet tail. She still eats (only a little) and drinks lots of water, but I'm afraid she will die. I'm unable to get her to the vet at the moment because I can't drive, my mom is sick, and my dad is out of town. Is there anything I can do for Serenghetti to help her or make her more comfortable? I know that hamsters with wet tail usually die within 48 hours...I don't want my hamster to die, but I'm nervous becuase I can't get her to the vet right away. Is there anything I can do for her?
Thank you!

she must be seen by a vet , I also advise cleaning the cage one time per day with colloid of silver and Also keep a 50/50 solution of Pedialyte and water available for your hamster as this helps lessen dehydration during this serious illness. Most over the counter products are not good enough to kill the bacteria present with wet tail. Reduce stress in the animal, move cage to darker quieter location for at least a week. Handle less and ALWAYS wash your hands thoroughly.