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red swollen vagina with Shih Tzu


Hi - my 13 yr old Shih Tzu is licking her vagina, it is red, swollen, is there something natural I can put on it or bathe to make it feel better for her.
She had an eye infection 2 wks ago, was on antibiotic eye drops, a month ago was on antibiotic for infected sore on foot, am worried re her immune system, can I give her pro biotic?

Yes, I bet she has a yeast infection  now.  YOU can give the Vet a call and see what they say.  Often I would treat my own pets with a little monsostat Cream daily on the area in question - The product you need comes in  7 days / 7 tubes..  good to have on hand .. YOU may only use one tube .   Just apply a little ever evening.   If she won't stop licking you may need to put a collar on her ;  Here is a link to  the product I was mentioning   7 Day Treatment Cream
Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (2%) (Miconazole Nitrate 100mg per application