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HW treatment with other meds ok?


Hi Susan,
I was glad to find your info on the heartworm alternative;I have two questions please:  1)  Have all the dogs you treat been ok with this?  I am in NC and we have alot of mosquitos and I have traditionally used Interceptor with as many winter breaks as possible (several months at most). 2) My dog has glomerulonephritis (kidney disease) and while I always opt for fewer chemicals, home cooking, etc. I do have to give him enalapril for his kidneys.  Will the nosodes be ok/ safe for him? Thank you!

Greetings Laurie,

Absolutely, the nosodes would be the safest thing that you could use as there are absolutely no side effects or toxins involved with homeopathy. You may even want to call about getting a telephone consultation with Dr Gerald Wessner (352) 245-2025 about using homeopathy with your dog's main kidney issue. He is marvelous, by the way.

Hope this helps. Also, call my shop if you want to order the nosodes for heartworm. 727-327-2356.  We're closed Wed and Sun, but are open till 6 other days.
