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Kidneys not working efficiently


My cat is 27 years old and I love him very much. He is not urinating enough and his kidneys are full. He is also constipated and needs hydrated. My vet says to put him to sleep, but I just can't do that without exploring every possibility. I have been giving him Gentle Digest along with Laculose for the constipation, and I am now increasing it, but I need an answer for something natural to get his kidneys working properly.  Can you please, please help me?

Nancy, wow 27 years old....!  Wow and Wow...
I am so sorry about this.  It may be close to the end for your cat boy.  Sounds like his body systems are failing.  There are many supplements but they need time to build up a blood level.  Supplements sometimes take weeks to months before they kick in.

If you still want to try, let me know and I can suggest some.
Again, I don't want to give you false hope about his prognosis.

Will be thinking of you!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse