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Cat injured by car


My daughter's cat was hit by a car suffering severe injuries. He had surgery to reattach the tissue to the jaw. Good progress has been made and the stitches and feeding tube have been removed.  He was treated at home with activated charcoal to draw toxins from around the mouth and colodial silver as a "mouth rinse". However there was a great deal of blood pooled in the eye.  The vet says he may lose that eye.  Do you have any thoughts on any treatment?

Oh, I am so sorry for the little cat boy!  Glad he has pulled thru with a wonderful vet!  He may loose the eye, as your vet mentioned.
You can try some NuVET Feline formula to help his immune system repair his health..
here is the info for ordering-

NuVET Feline -
Use order code 81098 / they can't sell to the public without this breeder / vet code..
YOU can read all the testimonials on the site..

Best of luck with your little cat boy!

Marie Peppers
Pet Chef
Alternative Meds for Pets