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biopsy for pre-cancer cells; pet nurse marie biopsy canine;


My dog has 2 lumps on her side. The vet did a needle stick and said that she has many abnormal cells in the lumps. I dont understand what that really means. They are removing the lumps for biopsie, but what does having many abnormal cells mean?

Follow up :  Denise, How is your dog doing?  
Did they need to remove the lumps on her side?  
Please let me know how you two are doing...  I like to get updates on things like this...I hope it is good news!

Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse

Hello Denise - the vet may be referring to pre-cancer cells.  I would believe that is why they are doing a biopsy at the site.
They are taking more tissue to view the cell structure.
I wish the vet would have explained more to you.  
Any questions, feel free to ask me.
BEST of luck !

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse