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Lump in Cats Stomach


Hello,  My female cat Sheeba is 12years old and has a painless lump in her stomach, she has been twice to the vet who thinks its cancer and has given her now her second injection which perks her up, she is on/off her food so eating a little and is still quite alert, if given the tinniest bit of milk she gets diarrhea which can have a tiny bit of blood, a biopsy hasn't been done just 2 week checks with the vet, she has lost quite abit of weight as well, but the vet has said not to put her to sleep as shes still very alert, if you can give me any other advice to try to help her please... shes my little baby.

Hello - sorry about your cat Sheeba- sounds like you can offer very small meals.  I wonder if she can have some low fat cottage cheese? Also, you may want to see if she will eat some canned pumpkin... It will give her some calories and fiber.

I wish that I could give you more help on this... Sorry

Good luck ,

Marie Peppers