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My hamster


My hamster was playing inside her ball after I saw a hole behind her ear. It was all bloody and a bit naked and I noticed that today also she's been scratching a lot . Is it from her bedding her cage or fleas. Please answer I'm really worried about my little Lilly

Dear Christy,

There are several options for scratching that I can think of. If you are using a ceder bedding, it can sometimes be a bit harsh, but that would generally result in irritation to the feet or belly. Check for other skin irritation. If fleas are an issue, you will probably find either live fleas on her, or the presence of "flea dirt" which are tiny black specks. Another possibility is that she has an ear problem such as ear mites or a mild infection.

None of the above are cause to panic, and can probably be resolved by using a couple of the products on my site: http://naturalsforanimals,com . If you have any questions about using the products with a hamster (which you should) please feel free to call me while on your computer at 727-327-2356 between 7:30-6 Eastern time on Mon, Thurs, Fri & Sat or on my office line 727-327-8769 Tues, Wed, Sun, and evenings. I'll be glad to talk you through.
