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mast cell tumors


Hi, my Emma has a stage 3 mast cell tumor that is located on her upper right front leg. We are going to wsu to the vet hosp there to see what is the next step. We have had xray and she doesn't have anything in her lungs. What can I do to help her? I have her on a new diet all protien, omega 3s  and rymdayl for pain. Plus I occasinally give her milk thistle.

Hi Dottie,  So sorry you are facing this Cancer with your Emma.  The WSU vets may want to remove the leg?  Sounds like you are doing a good job with the diet and supplements.
If you would like the Canine Cancer diet and my supplement suggestions let me know?
SEE what the Vets say first and get back to me.
Here is my private e-mail

Marie Peppers LPN MA