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Dental Health


Hi, is there something i can do for my 13 year old mini doxie to help with his dental health?  He has a heart murmur and lung/spleen cancer, so he can not be sedated to clean his teeth.  He does not let me brush or scale them (he tries to bite me).  What can i do to help him with the tartar build up on his teeth?

Thanks, Stacy

Hi Stacy - Oh, poor little doxie boy!
How about something to put in his drinking water or mixed into his food ....
give the child's dosage

You may want to try the NuVET Feline Formula for Mr. Cat....
This is a powder you mix into his food.... Great for his Immune system and healing...

NuVET Feline

Make sure you write down my name as your referral: Marie Peppers
order code 81098 and ask about the 15% off program...

They don't sell to the public unless you have been referred by a VET
or some pet professional ... OK

The WEB store for nuvet is here : make sure you get FELINE formula -  Not the dog one...ok

Good luck with your boy!
Marie Peppers LPN MA