Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Reconcile



Out of the blue, my 8 yr old boxer mix recently developed severe anxiety when traveling in a vehicle. The local vet recommended Benadryl with no results even after doubling the recommended dose. Last week he prescribed Reconcile, but my dog does not suffer from any other anxiety.  It's only when traveling in a vehicle (ie. severe panting, trembling, etc.). He is having side effects of no appetite, trembling, lethargic and I don't think he needs to be taking this all the time as a routine drug.  Please let me know your thoughts on this.  Thanks!


Your instinct to not use Benadryl or Reconcile is absolutely right.  The side effects and other issues caused by constant drug use are far more detrimental than the benefits of using them.

There are homeopathic and herbal remedies which I have available at my shop (and hopefully will have on line soon) that are totally safe and effective used individually or together.

Another thing that I have found to help is to work on training out the issue through classical conditioning. The first step would be to do something with him that he enjoys while sitting in the car with the engine off. After a few times, turn on the engine while doing the same thing. Praise, praise, praise.

When he seems to be more relaxed, back the car down the drive and then pull back in. Do this  several times a week for a few weeks. Praise him profusely when you get out of the car. Make it a good time.

After a while, drive around the block, then go someplace close that he loves to go like the park and have a great time.

Often dogs develop car issues because they spend the most time going to the vet, etc. Go someplace fun.

Another thought, is your car older?  Dogs have a fabulous sense of smell and if your car has some kind of exhaust leak into the car, he can smell it even if you can't. Just a thought.

If you use the conditioning coupled with alternative remedies things should progress rather rapidly.

If you are interested in having me send you something, please feel free to call me at my business: 727-327-2356. We are closed Wed and Sun, but there other days.

Sue Griffin